Soul Realignment™ Presentation

Sunday 6th April 2025
1.30pm - 3.30pm
at Kirton & Falkenham Village Hall
65 Falkenham Road
IP10 0QW
Come and join us for a presentation to learn more about Soul Realignment™ and the wonderful gift we are being given at this time to clear our karmic obligations from the past.
Find out what information is possible to know about your soul’s unique journey from its first creation to your current lifetime. Be aware of the opportunity to understand the reasons behind why things are happening in your life the way they are and allowing them to be cleared.
What is Soul Realignment™?
How can it benefit you?
What it uncovers:
Soul Profile – What are your Soul’s personal Divine Qualities and Gifts?
Did your soul begin its journey on Earth?
What are the Akashic Records?
What energetic blockages and restrictions are present that prevent you from going forward and creating change?
Types of blockages and restrictions that can be found in the Akashic Records
Gifts of karmic release
Clearing and Repairing
Affirmation of Intention – Homework
Additional Extras:
Find out two interesting pieces of information from your own personal Akashic Records (Details and permission required via the form below) which will be revealed to you personally at the presentation.
Special discounted offer against a full Soul Realignment™ Reading only available to those attending the presentation -
Full price is £125, but we will only be asking £95 as we know how valuable this process is, so a £30 reduction!
Cash or card payment is accepted on the day.
There is a booking charge of £5 to reserve your space, this will be refunded should you wish to take up the Soul Realignment offer.
We are passionate about Soul Realignment™ and want to share the wonderful potential it offers to us all to live our lives in full expression of our true divine nature, living more fulfilled, content and abundant lives.
Join us to find out more. Spaces are limited so don't delay in booking your space
Your completed form needs to reach us by the Thursday prior to your presentation in order to receive your free piece of information. You are still welcome to attend our presentation, but we cannot guarantee your free information if submitted after this date.
An automated email will be sent to you once you complete and submit the form below,
please check your spam folder if not received.
Completing the form below gives your consent for me to access your Akashic Record for the two pieces of information given to you at the presentation ONLY
Privacy Policy
Please note that all information received throughout the presentation process is fully compliant with the new General Data Protection Regulations of May 2018. Please see our privacy policy below.