Soul Realignment™

What is Soul Realignment™? How can it benefit me?
Soul Realignment™ is a system created by Andrrea Hess over many years, that helps people to understand the Divine nature of their own soul and enable them to access and express it in their daily lives.
It is the process that discovers what karmic issues, blockages, and restrictions are energetically present from previous incarnations that are causing us problems in this lifetime. It works with us to erase them and gives us a clear platform to create a life that reflects our true Divine nature, of fulfillment, contentment, and full abundance in every area of our lives. The system accesses our personal information stored in the Akashic records, with the strict permission of the person requesting the reading.
As the awareness level on our planet is increasing, we have reached a vibration where we are now able to understand and be ready to receive this wonderful gift, that releases us from past karmic obligations, leaving us clear and free to go forward in our lives in full expression of our Divine nature, and so, by extension, being able to offer this to others.
Taking responsibility for situations happening in our lives that appear to be unrelated to us, and not of our choosing, can seem at face value, to be unjust and inappropriate. However, these very situations were actually created by us in a past life, we simply have no conscious recollection or understanding of ‘why’ anymore. Soul Realignment™ pieces together the ‘whys,’ and works with you to take ownership of your issues, to clear old soul programmes and commitments. All issues you experience will have a root that you created through a choice that now holds you in patterns and energies that are no longer aligned with who you really are. Acceptance of responsibility, therefore, enables you to acknowledge your inner power to make new choices that empower you.
What are the Akashic Records?
The Akashic records are the equivalent of an enormous ‘database’ or energy log, that holds every piece of information about every lifetime you have ever had since your soul was first created, and all choices that have ever been made, by everyone. We each have our own personal record. The soul holds personal information accessed through the subconscious mind, but the Akashic records are not subjective, they simply hold a record of the facts.
Anyone can access their own records, but knowing what information is relevant and where to find it can be a minefield! Imagine wanting to access a specific book in the British Library but discovering that there was no record or filing system, a daunting task indeed!
Soul Realignment™ acts as your guide. Knowing which information is relevant to you in your life today, how to find it and piece it together, forming an accurate picture of the life choices you have made. It then shows us what can be changed and cleared to realign you to live a life aligned to higher choices, allowing your Divine self-expression.
Who will carry out my Soul Realignment™ Reading?
Toni Jehan is a qualified and insured Soul Realignment™ Level 1, 2 & 3 Practitioner as well as a Light Body Graduate, Past Life Regressionist, Spiritual Teacher, Author, Inspirational Speaker and Experienced Tarot Card Reader for the past 20 years. She has for many years received guidance and insight from her Divine masters which have aided many on their spiritual pathway. This modality resonated with her to fulfill her passion for helping others realise and connect with their true Divine self and resolve those issues and blockages to enable others to reach their full potential and life purpose.
What is required?
If you would like to book a Soul Realignment™ reading, you will be required to let Toni know your
Full current name – Full name at birth – Date of Birth – Place of Birth
Toni will also need you to affirm that you are happy to give her permission to access your Akashic record.
When Toni has completed what she needs to do, she will contact you to let you know that it has been completed and then send 2 x MP3 recordings lasting up to 90 minutes each. The first recording goes into great depth as to what Soul realignment is and how it works with you, the second recording is your own personal reading, detailing in-depth information so you receive a full, clear understanding of all the details that have been found, how this can impact on you and your next steps. Unfortunately, due to circumstances beyond our control, personal one-to-ones are no longer available, but Toni has been successfully doing these recordings both locally and internationally, for over 3 years and has found that they are the best format as you get a permanent record that you can listen to over and again. She is of course, also happy to answer any questions that you may have after receiving your readings. As close as possible, prior to sending you your recordings, she will then request the clearing of your Akashic Record on your behalf, offering guidance as to how to move forward with details of your Soul Profile. The recordings will be provided as MP3 files sent via the email you provide on your application form unless you advise her otherwise.
We have created a Soul Realignment Presentation video for you to watch which gives you a much more idea of what this process entails and how it can help you. If you are interested in a Soul Realignment reading, I would recommend that you take the time to watch this presentation.
The link will take you to our YouTube channel: https://youtu.be/nHV2njanT9c
What is the charge?
A full soul profile, realignment, full clearing of blocks and restrictions, home realignment, discussion and follow-on action, is available for just £125. This includes the 3 hours of MP3 recordings, 2 x 90 minutes each. So don't hesitate to fill out the box below and take that vital step in allowing and creating change in your life, in a very powerful and transformative way.
If you would like to request a reading, please fill out the required information in the form provided and Toni will be in touch with you to acknowledge your payment and application and explain the ongoing process. Please allow up to 6 weeks for the reading to be processed, typed up and recorded before further contact will be made.
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Privacy Policy
Please note that all information received throughout the Soul Realignment process is fully compliant with the new General Data Protection Regulations of May 2018. Please see our privacy policy below.