Chakra Balancing

Chakra Balancing
As a part of Soul Realignment™, your chakras are automatically realigned and balanced.
If you choose an Akashic Record Life Situation Blueprint Reading, a full chakra balancing and analysis will also be included as a bonus reading.
If you would like to have your 8 main chakras balanced without any of the readings above, I can also do this for you through the Akashic Records as a separate reading.
The health of your chakras will affect your physical health and well being. We all have many energy centres throughout our body, but the main known ones run down the central meridian of the body. These start at the base and work up to the crown, located at the various points on the body (see the chart below). These have a colour energy vibration to them and follow the colours of the rainbow from base up. For this chakra balancing however, I will be dealing with the 8th chakra also, which sits about a foot above the crown chakra.
These are like spinning wheels of energy and they connect our physical form to all other beings, our environment and world around us, our subtle energy bodies which run around our body in layers which join to make our Aura. This includes layers such as our Mental body, Emotional body, Etheric body etc. They also connect us to the spirit world, our consciousness and Divine connection. So these centres will sometimes go out of balance due to the circumstances we place ourselves in with the different situations occurring in our lives. If we are struggling emotionally or under mental pressure or strain, this will impact on our energy bodies around our bodies. If we do not deal with these issues at this level, they then knock our centres out of balance, which then impacts upon our physical body creating ill health and lack of well being.
Balancing the chakras takes place over 3 levels, the physical, emotional and mental. Each chakra is assessed to see how over or underactive it is and what that means for you. All 8 are then requested to be balanced and realigned through your own personal Akashic Record.
Therefore, I will need you to complete the form below, giving me permission to access your Akashic Record.
Please allow up to 28 days for this to be completed. I will let you know when this has been done via the email address you provide, with the relevant documents explaining what was found.
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