Akashic Record Spirit Guide Readings

Spirit Guide Readings
Your Inner Circle Guide Team
Each of us has our own personal team of Spirit Guides who work with us during the whole of our Earthly life. These guides each have their own area of expertise and have chosen to work with you in collaboration with your Higher Self because they can best help you with your chosen pathway.
The majority of Spirit Guides have had experience of incarnating on the Earth and as such can identify with the challenges we can face on a daily basis. They seek to extend their awareness and experiences by helping us, as opposed to choosing further incarnations. Understanding the nature of our team can have great benefit and provide valuable insight into our own chosen pathway.
What the Spirit Guide Profile reading provides for you from your Akashic record is an understanding and full profile of each member of your inner Spirit Guide team. Learn what the role of each guide is on your team, how they let you know they are there, their appearance to you, their soul group characteristics, Divine energy centres and if they have a message for you at this time. Knowing who is on your team and the reason they are there can help in the processes of connecting to them and calling on them in specific situations.
Please note that our Spirit Guides are not there to tell us what to do, in any situation! We are solely responsible for all of our actions here during our lifetime, our guides merely offer support, help and guidance to assist us with our choices and decisions. Your Spirit Guides operate solely based on your intentions for your life, so it’s important to set your intentions for what you want to achieve, even just for the current time.
Outer Circle Spirit Guide Team
Many people are very familiar with the fact that they have a team of Spirit Guides that work with them. Not so well known is that we also have an outer circle of 7 Spirit Guides that have the same set roles for everyone. These guides are often more experienced souls of a higher vibration. These guides are not involved with the general small details of our everyday lives and experiences, but they are there to help us with specific roles. These guides generally oversee several souls at one time and are very busy!
I can connect to your Outer Circle Guides via your Akashic Record, should you wish to know more about them. On some occasions you may have become aware of an outer circle guide, believing it to be part of your inner circle team!
When connecting to them on your behalf, the same level and depth of information may not be possible from each of the 7 outer guides as with your inner circle, dependent on their willingness to co-operate at that particular time! However, in my experience, most are more than willing to extend your knowledge about them.
These readings can give you a very comprehensive understanding of why you have the teams that you have, with the implications this presents to you for possible chosen pathways.
I only offer an Outer Circle Guide reading with an Inner Circle Guide reading.
Please note that I can only communicate with those Guides that wish to communicate with me on your behalf, there are some occasions where one or two guides do not wish to communicate for their own reasons. Not all guides will have messages for you. There is, therefore, no guarantee as to the amount of detail I can receive from each Guide.
For all readings, please allow up to 7 weeks for the reading to be processed before contact will be made after booking and payment.
On booking your Spirit Guide Profile reading you will be sent a form which I ask you to fill out for me please, giving details of any Spirit Guides that you feel you may already know to be on your team. This is a good validation that I can confirm for you if this is correct and if they are actually on your inner team, sometimes we discover that those we thought were on our inner team are actually on our outer team! You will also be asked to set an intention for your life or current situation that you would like them to focus on helping you with. You may need to think about this, but your intention helps to shape your reading. The messages you receive will likely focus on your chosen intention.
The reading will be recorded and sent via email as an MP3, giving you background information and accompaniment explanation to the forms sent with your reading.
Bonus Analysis Information
Included with your Spirit Guide Profile Reading, (inner or both), is are Soul Specialisations and details of your level of connection to your Higher Self. (Full details below).
Soul Specialisations
Soul Specialisations provide additional clues as to your Divine gifts and soul purpose. These embody certain skill sets for which your soul was innately designed. Each soul can have 1, 2 or 3 soul specialisations, there are 11 in total.
Connections to Higher Self
Our Higher Self is the highest part of ourselves of which we can have awareness in our human form. It is where our intuition comes from when we tune into inner guidance. The more connected we become to our Higher Self the more we go beyond our intellectual self and acknowledge ourselves as a spiritual Being with an inner knowing of our soul purpose. Connection to our Higher Self happens on both a conscious and subconscious level. This process determines the percentage of your connection from both. This gives us an indication of where we are currently at and a possible intention we can choose to set as a part of our growth.
Timings for Your Readings
For all readings, please allow up to 6 weeks for the reading to be processed before contact will be made after booking and payment.
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